As more and more businesses move to the cloud, it’s essential to ensure our services are resilient to attack. This site shares the technologies, processes and people that prevent, detect, contain, and respond to real and potential cybersecurity threats.
Continual Improvement
IPI is committed to making continual improvements of its Information Security program. Aligning with relevant standards to drive best practices across our services and products.

Confidence in IPI
Through continual improvement and external assurance of our Information Security programme, it gives confidence to the Business and our Clients that we take security seriously.
External Assurance
IPI has many Internal and External Audits throughout the year, we use these to show the Business and our clients that we are achieving our objectives and protecting Information Security.

IPI’s commitment
IPI is committed to providing Information Security improvements across all products and services, wherever possible.
Page last updated on February 14th, 2024